Thanks for being interested in the HAVEN Product Roadmap! This is where Team HAVEN will post updates about the status of products and features. If you are a HAVEN Pro user looking for the Pro Roadmap, please head over to the Pro Roadmap.
The Roadmap category works as follows:
Wishlist Items Becoming Features on the Roadmap
The Wishlist is where you can post your feature ideas that should be implemented inside of the HAVEN IAQ platform. Team HAVEN might also post their ideas here that are being researched but are not yet selected for development. When a Wishlist item is chosen to be developed, it will move from the Wishlist to the Roadmap.
Voting on the Roadmap Topics
Roadmap items are already in development, but you can still vote on the topic if you feel it valuable to you.
Status of Roadmap Topics
Through our development phases, Team HAVEN will regularly update the locked tags with a description of their readiness. The locked status tags are as follows:
- shipped - The feature is available the public.
- testing - The feature is being tested by our HAVEN Beta Users
- in-development - The HAVEN development team is actively developing the feature.
- in-design - The HAVEN team is beginning the process of designing the feature.
Your Feedback is Welcome!
You can let us know what you think of each feature by commenting on any of the topics in the Roadmap category (especially use cases on how you would use the feature). This is an important part of product development, and Team HAVEN will regularly respond to your comments.
Can’t wait to get your feedback!