What do your “routines” look like?

I recently got a HAVEN Monitor and Controller installed and am wondering how people have set their daily routines. This is mine so far, but I don’t know how detailed I should make things.


Mine looks pretty similar. We’ve also added in an entry for cleaning/vacuuming at 9AM on Mondays and Thursdays since that always kicks up a lot of particles. Do we really get around to vacuuming twice a week? Usually not, to be honest…


My routine is simple as it’s changing day to day so I’m trying to build my routine first and track with HAVEN products.


Turn down heat (during cold season) - daily
Sleep - daily
Wake up - daily
Turn the heat up - daily
Make coffee and go about morning clean up (make bed, clean living room, tidy kitchen, etc.)
Vacuuming and dusting - twice a week
Work (weekdays)
Lunch break - cooking (daily)
Work (weekdays)
Dinner - cooking (daily)


These schedules look pretty neat! I’m looking forward to trying this feature when I move to my new home. Can I try it without installing HAVEN?


HAHA! I used to get out a lot more. But with COVID I work from home. During the week I have the following setup:

  • Midnight-730AM - I only have it come on for 5 min every hour (I have some trouble sleeping so have to wear earplugs every night)
  • 730AM-12PM - I start having it come on every half hour
  • 12-1PM - Lunch time (= cooking!), so I have it running non-stop
  • 1PM-530PM - back to every half hour
  • 530-730PM - non-stop
  • 730PM-11PM - every half hour
  • 11PM-midnight - once per hour

If I’m not going to be home I put it back to once an hour for the length of time I’ll be away. Until I got HAVEN I didn’t realize it’s helpful to have the system circulating the air even when I’m not home. Who knew!

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Yeah, I used to go out a lot too. But now stuck at home most of the time…

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You need to get one of the HAVEN Bundles installed. It has a couple different pieces in it. One of the devices actually hooks up to your air handler or apparently other hvac equipment so that it can switch it on throughout the day in what they call “Routines”. So I don’t think you can try it without installing it :slight_smile:


I’ve been procrastinating updating mine and this level of detail was super helpful, so thank you @eva_wood :smiley:

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ah interesting. i dont have one installed yet either. i guess there might be reason to find an hvac tech sooner than later if i want this


I’ve been working from home since the pandemic but still try to walk for 1 hour after work everyday.
Needless to say that I spent 80% of my time at home.
My routine is as:

  • 7:30: wake up
  • 11:30: Cooking
  • 4:30: Walk my dog for 1 hour
  • 5:30: Cooking
  • 10:30: Sleeping
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