Hello lovelies!
A bit late to the game with the announcement as this improvement has been live for a month already, but better late than never.
This update will hopefully be a great change for our HAVEN Pros who are performing HAVEN installations. How will this up your experience?
- Increased reliability and stability of HAVEN Monitor data (specifically temperature and RH data when system’s fan is set to lower speeds)
- Increased minimum airflow speed possible to 59fpm or 0.3m/s to
- Better instructions
- Added option to read airflow test results in fpm instead of only m/s!
Better instructions
- We’ve made it more clear when to, or more specifically when NOT to secure the mounting plate from the very beginning of the install flow.
- When it’s time to turn on the air handler for the angle test, we’ve provided guidance to select the lowest fan speed. This ensures that the HAVEN data will be reliable at any speed.
- At the point of probe insertion, you now have enhanced illustrations and instructions, making sure you know how to relate the mounting plate notches to the alignment plate that has been attached to the duct.
Do the test in fpm!
- We’ve heard time and time again that most Pros use fpm (feet per minute) when thinking about airflow velocity. We’re now displaying the test speeds in fpm to make it easier to know when you’ve hit an appropriate speed.
- When HAVEN detects no flow or a speed below 59fpm or 0.3m/s, we’re giving more contextual instructions on how to fix it, including direct access to our Pro Support 1-800 phone number. We know how much pressure you’re under when you’re at a customer’s home, trying to wrap the installation up efficiently.
- As we are now limiting the installations to one specific airflow direction, we let you know when the Monitor and its mounting plate should be rotated 180° to complete the test and installation.
As usual, please get back to us with questions and comments so we can keep iterating and improving the product for you, our Pros, and of course, for your customers.